Lesson Plans and Notes
The four quick classroom plans listed below will help students start or end a lesson using information accessed in the Electric Universe.
Extra classroom materials, suggested grade levels, approximate time frames, and selected metacognitive strategies emphasized are noted in each plan.
Lesson 1 – Things that Bump, Whirr, Buzz, or Ting!
Use brainstorming techniques to identify items that use electricity.
Lesson 2 – What Would you Do If…
Reinforces ideas behind electrical safety rules presented in the Electric Universe.
Lesson 3 – What Do You Think Happens Next?
Effective after discussions/research of famous inventors and inventions; reinforces the importance of electricity in the lives of students.
Lesson 4 – Creative Thinking
How many varied and unusual ways can you think of to…? Engages students in imaginative and creative thinking; lends itself to “invention conventions” or brain “olympiads” where students use found objects to construct a product.
Lesson Notes
These colorful and downloadable PDFs are perfect handouts to enhance classroom discussion.
Certificates and worksheets
Download and print this PDF document to use as a classroom exercise:
Download and print these PDF documents to distribute when students have completed the safety unit.